Accelerate your Partnerships

Channel Cohort empowers digital health companies to develop and expand their strategic partner and alliance programs.




Strategic Partner Program Development: We collaborate closely with our clients to design and implement customized partner programs that align with their unique needs and business objectives.



Partner with Global Tech: As a trusted partner, we have cultivated strong relationships with major technology companies such as Amazon AWS, Change Healthcare (now United/Optum), Google, and Microsoft. We assist our clients in setting up and managing partner programs, facilitating co-selling initiatives, and establishing a regular cadence of collaboration.



Partner Recruitment and Onboarding: Identifying and recruiting strategic partners that align with our clients' goals and target markets is a crucial aspect of our services. We employ our industry knowledge and network to assist digital health companies in finding suitable partners.



Partner Enablement and Support: We provide comprehensive support to both our clients and their strategic partners throughout the partnership lifecycle.



Performance Tracking and Reporting: Monitoring and measuring the success of strategic partner programs is vital for driving continuous improvement and growth.


With our extensive experience and proven framework for success, we offer tailored solutions to help our clients maximize the benefits of strategic partnerships.



From Lloyd:

At Channel Cohort, we recognize the immense value of strategic partnerships and alliances in enabling healthcare technology companies to drive revenue, foster growth, and strengthen their brand.

We team with you!! Our focus lies in working directly with you to establish and expand your strategic partnerships. We bring a robust framework for building a strategic partner program through an effective partner go-to-market (GTM) strategy and a cohesive co-selling program.

Our goal for you: Drive revenue, develop actionable metrics, generate leads and amplify brand awareness.

Lloyd Wilhelms

With our extensive experience in launching solutions and overseeing channel and partner sales for industry leaders like Amazon AWS, Change Healthcare (now United/Optum), Google, and Microsoft, we boast a proven track record of success.

Lloyd has been a great partner and mentor over the past couple of years that I’ve got to work with him. I have seen a much stronger partnership between companies and leadership displayed to his direct company that has led to insightful innovation in healthcare.

I couldn’t give a high enough recommendation for someone of Lloyd’s character and leadership in strategy.

Jim Caldwell
Technology Strategist, Microsoft

Lloyd is an expert at navigating complexity and bringing new products to market. As our lead for our tech partnerships, Lloyd helped Change Healthcare and our cloud partners create and execute joint go to market plans. I am regularly asked how to work more effectively with cloud partners and my answer is hire Lloyd!

Serrah Linares
SVP Partnerships at Optum | Nashville Health Care Council Fellow | Forbes Council | Top 25 HealthTech Thought Leader

When it comes to partnering with big tech, there is not better man to lead that effort than Lloyd! I was thrilled when I was able to get him onto our team and so glad I did. Our business and joint product efforts grew significantly with Lloyd's leadership. He understands how to navigate and build win-win partnerships with a collaborative and driven approach to making things happen. Highly recommend!

Cindy Frank
Head of Partnerships, Business Strategy, and Growth, Change Healthcare

Accelerate your Partnerships

Get in touch



To learn more about how we can help you establish and expand a successful strategic partner program, please reach out to us at